Friday, March 17, 2023

February is merely as long as is needed to pass the time until March. ~J. R. Stockton

It's the most wonderful time of the year...... not only is it March Madness, one of the best tournaments in the world, but it's also AERIFICATION time!! The time when our season officially begins. Aeration of tees, greens and fairways is usually not very popular with golfers(OR our employees come to think about it:) but it's THE most important process that we will do during the year. This process will help in the removal of organic matter, relieving of soil compaction, improvement of water infiltration and drainage, and increasing the oxygen in the soil to help healthy root growth .

Our Aerification Schedule:

Back 9 Fairways/ Tees......March 6th - 9th

Front 9 Greens .................March 13th & 14th

Back 9 Greens .................March 15th & 16th

Front 9 Fairways/ Tees ......March 20th- 24th 

Back 9/ Front 9 faiways & tees

Our new fairway aerifier......  The Verti-Drain
Fairways are a bit the moment we are only getting 4" depth
#10 fairway
#16 fairway
#14 fairway…aerified, blown and mowed
#17 tee aerification
#9 fairway aerification
#14 fairway.....14 days post aerification and fertilizer
#9 fairway.... some holes, some fertilizer, some H20 and some mowing going nicely with warmer weather


Wanted to thank our "Jefe" Bill Nauroth for coming down this week and helping out on greens. He is much happier than he looks in this pic ...... well I hope he is:)
punching #3 green

Pedro keeping a much needed eye on Dave punching PG 3
The crew picking up plugs
Sand time

Brushing greens.....

#8 green....brushed & rolled and ready for play
Close call but stayed in front of the weather and finished back 9 greens
#14 Green.....4 days post aerification
#13 Green.... 7 days post aerification
#2 Green.... 9 days post aerification. First Mow with sand reels at .140
#7 Green... 9 days post aerification. First Mow with sand reels at .140 
#9 Green.....9 days post aerification @ .140 sand reels
#18 Green....still mowing @ .140
#16 Green........12 days post aerification 
at a mow height of .130
#7 Green..... 14 days post aerification at a mow height of .130
#6 Green,,,, 1 month post aerification   mow height @ .100

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Second snow day of the year......

March 2nd, Some snow pics around the course........

Trying out some B&W pics....... #7 pond area